showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Robin to the Rescue Solar Software1983 did lives rescue robinhood score labelimageminimize
Robin Hood Xonox1984 did rescue robinhood labelimageminimize
Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon Adventure International1985 12thcentury historicalfiction interactivefiction medieval outlawprotagonist robinhood tvseries wordinput labelimageminimize
Robin of the Wood Odin1985 england forest historicalfantasy robinhood labelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown Cinemaware;Mirrorsoft (Master Designer Software)1987 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury britain earth england europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes labelimageminimize
Super Robin Hood Codemasters1987 bows castle did elevators england falldamage keys ladders medieval outlawprotagonist rescue robinhood score spiders walking labelimageminimize
The Curse of Sherwood Mastertronic1987 england forest inventory lives mystics robinhood score skeletons labelimageminimize